About Neuropathy

Hand Pain

Numb and tingling hands hinder the simple pleasures of life before getting professional chiropractic treatment.

Numbness, tingling, and unusual pains in arms and legs can be the beginning signs of life long discomfort and permanent disabilities.

Numbness, tingling, burning sensations, and sharp shooting pains in arms or legs can make it impossible to live a normal active life.

Even driving to the store could end in disaster after losing feeling of the steering wheel…or God forbid…the brake pedal at the wrong time.

It can be a burden to family and friends if neuropathy requires living with a walker, cane, wheelchair, or scooter.

These symptoms may not go away on their own and may get progressively worse if not treated properly.

Neuropathy is a condition when the nerves extending throughout the body are damaged.

In the United States, over 20 million people suffer from neuropathy.

Pain and numbness in the hands and feet can be a result of repetitive motion, poor nutrition, injury, infection, tumors, or underlying disease such as diabetes.

In some cases, internal organs such as the heart, bladder, and intestines can be affected causing life threatening or embarrassing consequences if not diagnosed and treated quickly.

Potent drugs only cover up the pain while the underlying problem continues to get worse.

Surgery is risky and should only be considered as a last resort.

Don’t let neuropathy hinder activity with family and friends any longer.

Sign up for our next neuropathy webinar or call us at 732-290-4141 to schedule a one-on-one private consultation where we will concentrate on the root cause of the pain and numbness and design a custom plan to regain your pain-free and healthy lifestyle.

About Neuropathy was last modified: December 29th, 2021 by tchadmin